The Person Based Approach to digital intervention development
This workshop aims to provide an introduction to the person based approach to developing (digital) health interventions. In particular it aims to provide an understanding of what the person-based approach is, what it aims to achieve, and how to apply it in a range of circumstances. It will cover what ‘Guiding Principles’ are and how to develop these to address the key issues, needs and behavioural challenges of your target intervention users. It will also provide insight into using ‘think aloud interviews’ and a ‘Table of Changes’ to optimise digital interventions to ensure they are as acceptable, feasible, easy to use, and persuasive as possible.
Presentation slides: Person-Based Approach presentation
Person-Based Approach website: https://www.personbasedapproach.org/
Intervention Planning Table template can be found here: https://www.personbasedapproach.org/intervention_planning_table.html
Table of changes template can be found here: https://www.personbasedapproach.org/table_of_changes.html
Article on Combining qualitative research with Patient and Public Involvement reffered to in the discussion: https://researchinvolvement.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40900-019-0169-8
- Recording URL: https://youtu.be/yKBFBIrbtSk
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