Become a member

Membership will give you access to an international inclusive network of health scientists, practitioners and technology developers. When you become a member, you will:

have access to others in this field to collaborate in research, exchange ideas and tools;

get inspired and get help with challenges you encounter working in digital health field;

join research initiatives (like international collaborative studies);

use the network for student and staff exchange;

get invited for our webinars, discussions, and workshops;

get access to archive of recorded material;

make use and/or take part in our mentor program;

exchange educational resources and collaborate on educational programs;

take part in our ongoing research review activities, which – among others lead to a growing database with evaluations of digital health tools;

receive information about symposia, conferences, lectures, and new positions in our field;

you can share your job vacancies with us and the network.

Personal Details
I am interested in becoming a mentor