“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.”
Your support is crucial to help us meet our aim of making digital health tools open, scalable and accessible for all. We solely rely on personal and institutional donations to achieve our goals. If you want to partner with us, please get in touch. We seek support from individuals and institutions whose aims and values align with ours. Every donation, regardless of how big or small it is, brings us closer to our main goals.
Individual donations
Our initiative is open. The materials we provide are free to access. The mentorship is provided by our members free-of-charge as a service to the community. We do not store or sell any data. We solely rely on donations from individuals, organizations and universities. Our ‘business model’ is: open science is important and generous people help us make it happen.
We are seeking sponsorship from universities, organizations, and companies that also believe that digital health should be open and free to access. To grow and to scale digital health tools, researchers, companies and communities need to work collaboratively, concentrating on what really matters – health – not financial profits.
Partnership and collaborations
We are open to partner and collaborate with universities, organizations, and companies that align with our vision and mission. If you are interested in establishing a partnership, get in touch with us. We would love to discuss with you how we can collaboratively reach our aims of making digital health open, scalable and accessible for all.